how to write in middle school the sixth-grade persuasive essay background the common course standards require that sixth graders write with a persuasive writing structure in seventh grade the standards require students to use an argumentative persuasive writing structure an argument has two sides or opposing claims the seventh grade writer must now acknowledge alternate or opposing claims the standards evolve again for eighth graders they must acknowledge and distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims so one of the big idea paragraphs must identify an opposing claim and explain why the claim is not valid further the core standards expect students to use accurate and credible sources this implies that they should research the information needed to address the claims in an argumentative persuasive writing structure this first persuasive writing structure piece makes use of prior knowledge as the students information and is appropriate to begin sixth grade the writing structure you choose to organize your writing is based on your goal when you want to persuade you use a persuasive writing structure when you want to present information you use an informational structure when you want to tell a story you use a narrative structure these are three predictable writing structures we use to organize our thinking this is your first persuasive writing assignment for sixth grade what do you do when it is cold outside and you want to have fun think about winter write an essay that states your opinion what you think is the most fun thing to do in winter the words opinion and most signal that a persuasive writing structure is needed other words that signal a persuasive structure are begin by thinking about the topic and activating any prior knowledge it’s cold outside during the winter how do you have fun there are no wrong answers at this point generate a list of ways you have fun both inside and outside you for example here’s a possible list of ways to have fun you could have suggested walk my dog here’s some big ideas associated with walking your dog again each phrase is a placeholder for a big idea it would look like this on your graphic organizer and like this in your essay you choose your way to have fun and write down a list of associated ideas look at your list of associated ideas can you express the idea in different words can you develop the idea with explanations and examples your ability to develop the idea is the determining factor in whether or not you should use it circle the three ideas you think you can best develop each of your ideas is a reason you think your choice is the best way to have fun when it’s cold out under each reason you’re going to write down phrases details and examples that you could use to develop your reason into a paragraph you’re still gathering so only write short notes or placeholders later you’ll write these as complete thoughts when you assemble your first draft last time you began work on a prompt that asked your opinion what do you think is the most fun thing to do in the winter when it is cold outside you chose something to claim as the most fun and brainstormed associated big ideas three of the big ideas were put in a graphic organizer with phrases details and examples to develop into complete paragraphs today you’re going to assemble a first draft before you do go back and examine your graphic organizer are the explanations details and examples clearly associated to the big idea do you have three strong Big Idea groups work here makes the writing so much easier a persuasive essay has a predictable structure predictable structures enable us to write our thoughts clearly and logically and more importantly make it easier for others to read and understand our writing the opening paragraph must do three things first it must look the reader’s attention second it must lay out the issue and third it must push the reader in one direction think of the phrase hip here are five common ways of hooking the reader’s attention ask a question posed a riddle use a quote make a strong announcement or provide a very short anecdote write your hook sentence or sentences laying out the issue is done by taking apart the prompt and rewriting it with different words this explains what you’re talking about to the reader right your issue sentences the last sentence of your opening paragraph is where you push the reader towards your choice again drawn the words in the prompt to write this sentence this special sentence in your opening paragraph is sometimes called a thesis statement other ways of starting this last sentence are complete your opening paragraph the goal of persuasive writing is to change the opinion of someone who disagrees with you as such you want your reader to think clearly and understand your claim clarity of thought explanations specific relatable examples and credible sources are the writer’s tools sentiment fades over time while clear thinking will grow stronger decide which Big Idea group will be your strongest it’s the one you can develop most strongly with explanations and examples write a 1 next to it which Big Idea will be your next strongest paragraph give it a to the last section gets a three how do you organize your paragraphs in a persuasive essay some suggest your strongest paragraphs should go first you have the reader’s attention and they can think clearly some suggest that your strongest Big Idea group should go last this method works best for writers with an engaging style that maintains the reader’s attention decide on the order of your big idea paragraphs right your first big idea in a clear and simple sentence use signaling words that indicate your reason is the beginning of a series and/or to show emphasis after this opening sentence write a more detailed explanation for the younger writer this might mean they say the same thing as their first sentence but using different words older writers develop the explanation with a few sentences developing the explanation is an area where the skillful writer can thrive the first responsibility is to provide clear thinking your explanation must make your reason more clear but you can also create an emotional reaction by using a specific example with which the reader can associate your next big idea paragraph has to connect to this first Big Idea paragraph you do this by using linking words right your next idea in a clear and simple sentence but use signaling words that indicate your reason is the next of a series under this first sentence write a more detailed explanation you your final Big Idea paragraph has to connect to the other two Big Idea paragraphs use signalling words that this is your last big idea to start your opening sentence under the sentence write a more detailed explanation in your closing paragraph you’re responsible for three things you need to signal the end of the essay you need to push the reader towards your position by restating your ideas and finally you must prompt the reader to continue to think about your ideas after they’re done reading there are two common ways of signalling the end of your essay the first is to use words that signal a conclusion this also allows you to restate your opinion the second method to signal a conclusion is to repeat elements from your opening attention-grabber this echo of your opening creates a circle this signals to your reader that the essay is finishing the next sentence serves to remind the reader of your three big ideas they are only mentioned as phrases they are not developed as complete ideas the last part of your essay should prompt the reader to continue to think about your ideas after they’re done reading mention something bigger associated with the topic of your essay give the reader something to think about you you spent your first day gathering and creating all the elements for your essay you put them in a graphic organizer for a persuasive structure the next day was spent assembling the elements into sentences and paragraphs you wrote using signalling words to organize and connect your ideas this last day is for revisions revised means to look at again you’ll reread your essay five times each time through a new lens on your first read-through you want to see if your essay is focused on your topic do all of your big ideas connect to your claim on your second read-through you want to see if you have enough content do you have opening and closing paragraphs do you have three fully developed big idea paragraphs supported with explanations details and example add any missing elements on your third read-through you want to see if your essay is organized so that it’s easily understood do you use signalling words to connect your ideas are your big idea paragraphs arranged to best support your claim move things around if you need to on your four three two you want to examine your writing style do your sentences begin the same way do write with long and short sentences do you use dialogue do you set the right tone on your fifth read-through you want to see if you use standard writing conventions complete sentences fragments verb agreements spelling punctuation some people read the essay backwards one sentence at a time to check for conventions you good job you